How to Manage Your Pet’s Shedding and Maintain a Clean Home?

February 8, 2024

For many of us, our pets are cherished family members. Their antics bring joy, their companionship provides solace, and their love is unconditional. But let’s face it, all this joy comes with a significant trade-off: Hair. Everywhere. But fear not, fellow pet parents! Here are some incredibly effective ways to manage your dog’s shedding and keep your house clean.

1. Regularly Brush Your Pet’s Hair

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Regular brushing is your first line of defense against pet hair taking over your home. It not only reduces the amount of hair your pet sheds but also keeps their coat healthy and shiny.

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Brushing your dog helps to remove loose hairs before they end up on your furniture. It also helps to distribute the natural oils in your pet’s fur, keeping their coat lustrous and healthy. To maximize its effectiveness, consider the type of brush you use. Brushes designed specifically for shedding can work wonders. There is a variety of brushes available, each suited to different types of coats, so find one that’s perfect for your pet’s specific needs.

Moreover, try to make brushing a bonding time with your pet. Most animals enjoy the attention and the sensation of being brushed, turning a chore into a pleasant activity.

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2. Use Shedding Remedies and Supplements

While shedding is natural, excessive shedding might be an indication that your pet is not getting all the nutrients they need. Consider introducing certain supplements to your dog’s diet to help minimize shedding.

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, have been shown to help improve skin and coat health. Before adding any supplement to your pet’s diet, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian. They can provide guidance on the type and amount of supplement your pet may need.

Apart from supplements, there are also specific dog foods designed to improve skin health and reduce shedding. Look for foods that are high in protein and contain a balanced ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acids.

3. Provide Regular Baths with a Deshedding Shampoo

Bathing is another effective tactic to control your pet’s shedding. Not only does it help to loosen and remove excess hair, but it also keeps your pet’s skin clean and healthy.

The choice of shampoo can make a significant difference. Deshedding shampoos are specially designed with ingredients that help to moisturize the skin and reduce loose hairs. These shampoos can be a great addition to your pet care routine. Remember, it’s not about bathing more often, but rather about bathing smarter.

During the bath, massage the shampoo in a circular motion to help dislodge loose hair. Once the bath is done, dry your pet thoroughly. A dryer can help blow out any loose hairs, but if your pet is nervous about the noise, a towel works just as well.

4. Invest in a Good Quality Vacuum

No matter how diligent you are with brushing and bathing, some hair will inevitably end up in your home. This is where a good vacuum comes in. The best vacuums for pet hair are powerful, easy to maneuver, and most importantly, have a brush roll that won’t easily tangle.

Some vacuums are specifically designed to handle pet hair, with features like tangle-free brush rolls and HEPA filters. A good vacuum will not only pick up hair from your carpet, but also from hard floors, furniture, and even curtains.

Remember, regular vacuuming is essential. Make it part of your weekly routine to vacuum your home, focusing on the areas where your pet spends most of their time.

5. Protect Your Furniture

Even with regular brushing, some pet hair will inevitably end up on your furniture. One way to manage this is by using washable slipcovers. These can be removed and cleaned easily, making your furniture hair-free.

Another option is to use throws on your furniture where your pet usually lounges. Many pets have favorite spots where they like to relax or sleep and these areas often collect the most hair. By using a throw, you can protect the furniture underneath and simply remove and wash the throw as needed.

Alternatively, certain types of upholstery are more resistant to pet hair than others. Leather and tightly woven fabrics tend to be the best for keeping pet hair at bay.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly minimize pet hair in your home and keep it clean and guest-ready. Remember, managing pet shedding is not a one-time task but a part of your regular pet care routine. With the right tools and a bit of elbow grease, you’ll find managing your pet’s shedding and maintaining a clean home is not only achievable but also incredibly rewarding.

6. Utilize Specific Cleaning Products

Specialized pet hair cleaning products can be a true lifesaver when it comes to managing your pet’s shedding. These products are specifically designed to remove pet hair from various surfaces in your home, offering a practical solution to keep your house clean.

Hair removal gloves are one such product. They are designed to remove loose hair directly from your pet’s coat, but they can also be used on furniture and textiles. Their soft rubber tips catch hair effectively without causing any damage.

Pet hair rollers are another important tool. They are simple to use and highly effective at picking up pet hair from clothing, upholstery, and other fabrics. Look for sticky rollers for the best results.

There are even specialized sponges and brooms specifically designed for pet hair removal. These tools can be particularly effective on carpets and hard floors where hair tends to accumulate.

Lastly, lint brushes can be a quick and convenient tool for removing pet hair from clothing or smaller fabric items. They are usually double-sided and reusable, making them a cost-effective addition to your cleaning arsenal.

Remember, the goal is to integrate these tools into your regular cleaning routine to manage and reduce the overall amount of pet hair in your home.

7. Consider Your Pet’s Diet and Overall Health

While shedding is completely natural, it’s also important to consider your pet’s overall health. A healthy dog typically has a healthy coat, and certain health issues could lead to excessive shedding.

If your pet seems to be shedding more than usual, it could be a sign of underlying health issues such as allergies, skin infections, or hormonal imbalances. Regular check-ups with your vet can help detect and address these issues early.

Ensuring your pet has a balanced diet is also crucial for maintaining a healthy coat. High-quality dog food that is rich in essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and Omega fatty acids can contribute to a shiny, healthy coat and reduce excessive shedding.


Maintaining a fur-free home when you have a shedding dog can seem like an uphill battle, but it doesn’t have to be. With consistent grooming practices, smart cleaning tips, and a focus on your pet’s overall health, you can effectively manage pet hair in your home.

Remember, the key is regularity. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can keep your house clean without spending hours each week on cleaning. After all, your time is better spent enjoying the companionship of your furry friend.

Also, keep in mind that shedding is a normal part of a pet’s life. It’s a sign of a healthy, growing coat. So embrace the shedding, but manage it smartly for a cleaner, happier home with your beloved pet.